Majora's Mask Advent Calendars

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  • Majora's Mask Advent Calendars

    Hey guys,

    My name is Matt Fox, and I am based out of Nashville, TN. I've been working on a pipe dream that combines various pop culture franchises with advent calendars, and the first one I successfully finished is for Majora's Mask! It started out as a personal item for my own use, but after people started asking where they could buy it, I decided to take to Kickstarter and try and make my Zelda dream a reality for others!

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    The product is an 8x12 wood board with an etched carving of Termina and 24 'mask tokens.' The map has been recreated as a Tolkien-esque fantasy map, and the tokens are artistic recreations of said masks lacquered on wooden coins. There are 24 small hooks secured in the map, and for each day of the advent season owners add a token of their choice to the map. At the end of the holiday season, all mask tokens are displayed proudly on a board that fits comfortably on any number of household or business surfaces.

    I apologize for the terribly spammy nature of my post, but I just want to make sure anyone out there who may be interested in this concept has the chance to see it. See below for some images from the calendar. If anyone has a question or thought about the calendars feel free to message me on here, thanks!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    *** Mod-Edit: Wir sind kein Forum rein fuer Werbung, schon gar nicht von einmaligen Besuchern, die weder Interesse an Feedback haben noch Ambitionen zeigen, ihr Projekt angemessen (= auf Deutsch - und sei es mit schlechter Google-Uebersetzung, die zumindest den Willen zeigt) vorzustellen. Da hier zudem die finanzielle Komponente im Vordergrund steht, haben wir uns entschlossen, den Thread zu schliessen. ***

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Luna ()